Yoga Journal’s 10 Most Practiced Sequences of 2017

Yoga Journal’s 10 Most Practiced Sequences of 2017


We thought we needed yoga before, but this year made it nonnegotiable. Your clicks tell us you feel the same. They also say that along with the all of the hip-opening, sweat-stoking, detoxifying release, you want a practice that better equips you to take on everything the real world throws your way—ever faster and more furiously. The following collection speaks for itself: our 10 most popular practices of the year all in one place.

ruddygoosepose cakravakrasana

The 10 Yoga Sequences That Won 2016


10 Most Popular Yoga Sequences of 2015

Cyndi lee

Yoga for Balance: Cyndi Lee’s Solo Home Practice Sequence

Hands in meditation, Yogis practice yoga together

10 Meditations You’ll Want to Keep Handy

multi pose yoga sequence forward bend

Understand the Art of Sequencing: Yoga Practice for Beginners


#YJ40: 10 Poses Younger Than Yoga Journal

Colleen Saidman Yee performs Thunderbolt Pose with Eagle arms.

Yoga for Inner Peace: A Stress-Relieving Sequence + Daily Practice Challenge


The 10-Minute Yoga Sequence to Help You Recharge


House Abo by Nico van der Meulen Architects

House Abo by Nico van der Meulen Architects

Architects: Werner van der Meulen of Nico van der Meulen Architects
Location: Makhado, Limpopo, South Africa
Area: 484 m²
Photos courtesy: Nico van der Meulen and David Ross

At the point when Nico van der Meulen Architects was brought in for the increases, adjustments and redesigns to an obsolete face block house in Limpopo, the most evident component to consider was the unreasonable warmth. This undertaking required ideal answers for guarantee it was suitable for the hot conditions. Unique consideration was paid to the road façade-the water highlight and rusted steel make a theoretical creation with a steel security screen which opens up to uncover the sandblasted glass front entryway.

Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_37It was important that the rooms could open up to make indoor-outside living, coordinating with the pool and professionally finished patio nursery. To accomplish this, frameless collapsing entryways were utilized widely, empowering the house to end up a verandah when required.

Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_36The divider between the planner kitchen and lanai fold open for amusing purposes.The engineer ‘opened up’ the current lounge rooms and made twofold volume glass and steel encased spaces, inside of this range a brilliant and unmistakable staircase was composed it is a noteworthy component inside of the home.

Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_35Because of the gigantic glass dividers the house chills off speedier at night, moreover this permits the cooling impacts of the pool and water elements to go into the house. Glass sliding entryways arranged on both sides of the room wing empower north-south cross draft ventilation at all times. The twofold volume territories were fitted with vertical steel screens for sun control, and in addition a brise soleil.

Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_34


M Square Lifestyle Design was in charge of the inside outline, making inventive and motivating regions everywhere throughout the house. The furniture is from Molteni and C, Floss, Kundalini and Royal Botanica open air furniture-all sourced by M Square Lifestyle Necessities.

Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_33Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_32Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_31Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_30Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_29Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_28Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_27Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_26Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_25Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_24Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_23Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_22Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_21Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_20Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_19Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_18Abo villa by Werner van der Meul<br /><br /> en for Nico van der Meulen Architects_17Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_16Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_15Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_14Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_13Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_12Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_11Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_10Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_08Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_07Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_06Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_05Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_04Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_03Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_02Abo villa by Werner van der Meulen for Nico van der Meulen Architects_01


【人心人術】越南來的新住民 嫁給屏東原住民 她說:來台灣很值得 |張肇烜


【人心人術】越南來的新住民 嫁給屏東原住民 她說:來台灣很值得 |張肇烜

【人心人術】越南來的新住民 嫁給屏東原住民 她說:來台灣很值得





























How to Protect Your Low Back in Forward Bends

How to Protect Your Low Back in Forward Bends


So you have some nagging, persistent low-back pain. You’ve heard that your tight legs are probably part of the problem and that stretching them is a good idea. Since forward bends mightily stretch the backs of your legs, you decide to add some to your home practice a few times a week. Good idea?

Actually, it depends. While forward bends can be wonderfully relaxing and introspective, they can also strain or injure your low back—especially if the backs of your legs are tight.

In fact, there’s a right and a wrong way to do forward bends. Learning to do them correctly will keep your back safe from harm but requires that you pay close attention to the mechanics of your body. The crucial muscles to understand are the hamstrings, particularly in their interactions with your pelvis.

The hamstrings, of course, occupy the backs of your thighs. They originate on the ischial tuberosities (sitting bones), which project from the bottom of the pelvis. From the sitting bones, the hams extend about two-thirds of the way down the backs of the thighs, at which point they connect to the long tendons that cross the back of the knee to attach on the lower leg bones, the tibia and fibula.

The lateral (or outer) hamstring is known as the biceps femoris (biceps means “two heads"; the second head originates on the back of the femur, or thighbone). The two medial (inner) hamstrings are called the semitendinosus and semimembranosus.

See alsoAnatomy 101: Understand + Prevent Hamstring Injury

When the hams contract they flex, or bend, the knee. You can feel this if you sit on the floor with one knee bent and your fingers placed on the back of the lower thigh near the knee. Dig your heel into the floor, pulling your heel toward you against the friction of the floor, and you should feel the hamstring tendons pop out into your fingers. At the hip (with the help of the gluteus maximus), the hamstrings pull the thigh into line with or behind the torso. This is called “hip extension." The hamstrings also have leverage to rotate the femur bones. This action is called “hip rotation": The biceps femoris externally rotates, and the two inner hamstrings internally rotate the hip.

Here’s the basic anatomy of a forward bend: To stretch the hamstring muscles, you extend (straighten) the knee and flex the hip, bringing the torso and the front of the thigh closer together. Doing straight-leg forward bends like Paschimottanasana(Seated Forward Bend) and Janu Sirsasana (Head-of-the-Knee Pose) is an excellent way to stretch your hamstrings.

Muscle Rebellion

The problem is, when the hamstrings are pushed to the limit of their flexibility, they rebel and avoid further stretching by either bending the knee or extending the hip. Hip extension means that as you sit on the floor, the short hams will pull the ischial tuberosities toward the back of the knees, which will tilt your pelvis backward, putting your spine into a major slump and flattening the natural curve of your lower back. The front body and internal organs—including the heart, lungs, and digestive organs—will be compressed, and the back of the body—including the back muscles and spinal ligaments—will overstretch. The tighter your hamstrings are, the more likely it is that this will happen. And that, in a nutshell, can be bad news for your back.

If you are bending forward and get pulled or pushed too far by a teacher or helper, you can seriously injure the spinal disks and ligaments. As you bend forward, more weight gets transferred to the front of the disks. With excessive force, the gel-like center of the disk can be pushed backward into the support ligaments, which can then bulge out. A bulging, or herniated, disk or an injured sacroiliac joint will disrupt your life and yoga practice for months, and may require expensive, time-consuming treatment.

There is a notable exception to the guidelines about low-back pain and forward bends: If your low-back pain is due to a swayback, you may actually find that forward bends ease your discomfort by stretching tight low-back muscles. The swayed, overarched, hyperextended lower back is usually caused by an anterior, or forward-tilted, pelvis, which is most often accom-panied by long, flexible hamstrings. So if you’ve got a swayback, you can usually move into the forward bend and find the back stretch pleasurable.

There’s a simple way to check whether you might be vulnerable to low-back strain or injury in Paschimottanasana and other forward bends. First, lie on your back on the floor. Come into Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose). Bring your right leg up, catch your foot with a strap, and straighten the right knee, while keeping the left leg straight on the floor. If you can make a 90-degree angle between your right leg and torso, you should be able to sit safely in Dandasana(Staff Pose). If you can’t bring the leg to perpendicular (don’t bend those knees!), your pelvis will tip backward in Dandasana, and you’ll be sitting slumped before you’ve even tried to fold forward.

How to Avoid Back Injury

So before doing sitting forward bends like Paschimottanasana, you should have at least 90 degrees in Supta Padangusthasana. If you don’t, you risk hurting your back. Instead of rushing into ill-advised forward bends, take time to improve your hamstring flexibility by consistently working on Supta Padangusthasana with a strap, and on Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose), standing tall with your foot on a chair seat. Both of these poses will stretch your hamstrings while taking your lower back out of the equation.

See alsoYoga for Back Pain

If you’ve already been working on your hamstring flexibility, and you can bring your leg to 90 degrees in Supta Padangusthasana, that means your hamstrings are flexible enough to allow your pelvis to sit upright in Dandasana but not yet flexible enough to allow it to rotate forward over your thighs. So if you go too far, the forward movement will come from your low back, causing strain or injury. In other words, to fold forward safely without bending your knees, you’ll need to have enough flexibility that your leg can easily come past 90 degrees toward your torso when you’re in Supta Padangusthasana.

In the meantime, the solution is to sit up with a folded blanket or firm cushion under your sitting bones to help tip your pelvis forward. You can also defuse the urge to pull forward by sitting with your back against a wall or by placing a folding or kitchen chair directly in front of you, with your legs placed to the inside of the chair legs. Rest your head on the chair seat and focus on relaxing into the stretch rather than forcing your body to go further than it’s ready to.

No Cheating

You may have heard the instruction to contract your quadriceps (the muscles on the front of your thighs) in forward bends. If your hamstrings are tight, this is an excellent way to help them loosen up. The quads will stabilize your knees and hold them straight in forward bends while the hams try to “cheat" and bend the knees. Not only that, but, by contracting your quads, you’ll be taking advantage of a kinesiological law called “reciprocal inhibition," in which your nervous system tells a muscle to let go of its contraction when the opposing muscle has work to do. In forward bends, contracting your quads facilitates the release of the hamstrings.

And finally, a word about patience. The hamstrings are layered with lots of tough connective tissue—the gristly fibers that help hold the muscles’ structure together. So you can’t rush or hurry the hamstrings into flexibility; they need time to change their length—time in the sense that longer stretches (90 to 120 seconds) seem most effective with connective tissue. And time in the sense that it can take months, if not years, for tight hamstrings to loosen their grip and become flexible. So don’t get your back up. Instead, relax, practice patience, and enjoy the ride.

See also5-Minute Guided Meditation to Cultivate Patience

Teachers, explore the newly improved TeachersPlus. Protect yourself with liability insurance and build your business with a dozen valuable benefits, including a free teacher profile on our national directory. Plus, find answers to all your questions about teaching.

Julie Gudmestad is a physical therapist and Iyengar Yoga teacher in Portland, Oregon. She regrets that she cannot respond to requests for personal health advice.

Protect the Hamstrings in Forward Bends

bound angle pose

Yoga for Lower Back Pain: Skillfully Deepen Seated Forward Bends


Protect the Disks in Forward Bends and Twists

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

SUN_257_05_fnl Locust pose

Yoga for Better Posture: Strengthen Your Back to Prevent Slouching

anatomy, sacrum, si joint, spine, pelvis

How to Protect the Sacroiliac Joints

head-to-knee pose

Head-to-Knee Forward Bend


Standing Forward Bend


Herne Bay Rd Residence by Daniel Marshall Architects

Herne Bay Rd Residence by Daniel Marshall Architects

Architects: Daniel Marshall Architects
Location: Herne Bay, AucklandNew Zealand
Year: 2013
Photo courtesy: Simon Devitt Photographer

The House in Herne Bay is on a north-bound incline, watching out over Herne Bay towards the Waitamata harbor. The site is zoned Residential 2 which perceives the noteworthy legacy and character of the territory. A void site exhibited an uncommon open door for a contemporary re-origination of the Villa prime example which embodies the encompasses. The House in Herne Bay incorporates contemporary New Zealand beliefs, outline and development, whilst keeping up a significant part of the dialect and stance of the all around mannered Villa.


This contemporary solid build is sculpturally shaped more than three levels: garaging is exhumed underneath; the upper level sits passively underneath a hipped rooftop; the mid level is strongly communicated by the even organization of weatherboard inspired solid balances. These balances theoretical the conventional road verandah whilst supporting control of protection and light into the spaces inside.


System is organized around a focal northern situated outside center which orientates the house towards the sun, gives open air living, a perspective of the Waitamata past and makes a vertical connection between all levels of the residence. Whilst the living spaces are interested in the outside center, bespoke cabinetry and chimneys makes an assortment of inside spaces. Living spaces are both glory yet cozy, much like the road confronting rooms of the customary Villa.



Thank you for reading this article!


《 Lara Fabian – Tomorrow Is A Lie (04:36) 》

《 Lara Fabian – Tomorrow Is A Lie (04:36) 》










1. 學校老師兼任
2. 打過球又熱心的學生家長
3. 外聘的社團老師願意多花時間指導球隊
4. 熱心的畢業校友回來指導學弟
5. 純義務指導的熱心棒球界人士
6. 學生自費付鐘點費聘請的教練


1. 有時間可以幫忙
2. 自己也願意幫忙
3. 還要真的會教












《 Lara Fabian – Adagio (04:23) 》

《 Lara Fabian – Adagio (04:23) 》

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我們對於所有出錢出力,甚至付出許多關注與行動的支持者,無以為敬,希望能藉由舉辦這一次與過往風格不同的募款茶會,讓我們彼此能有更多一點認識、更多一點相互的學習與交流,因此在這次的年度募款茶會上,綠盟將邀集 6 位來自不同領域的專業者(演講嘉賓將陸續公布),進行每人 15 分鐘的短講,與支持綠盟的夥伴們分享互動,他們如何看待當下的台灣以及如何改變這個社會,將專業分析與歷史觀察轉化為力量,邁向下一個挑戰。


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《 Lara Fabian – You’re Not From Here (04:37) 》

《 Lara Fabian – You’re Not From Here (04:37) 》

Healthiest diets are also best for the environment, finds global study

Healthiest diets are also best for the environment, finds global study

‘Win-win’ findings suggest following government recommendations for food leads to better outcomes for the planet


Scientists have found that eating a healthier diet is the best option for the environment.

Food production has a massive impact on the planet, with up to a third of greenhouse gas emissions coming from agriculture.

The dietary recommendations made by governments tend to be based on nutritional information and not decreasing environmental impact, but a new study suggests that the two go hand in hand.

It includes data from 37 countries – representing nearly two thirds of the global population.

The positive results were found in the majority of the countries in the study, but they were particularly pronounced in high income nations such as the US and Japan.

In countries like these, following a nationally recommended diet results in a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of up to quarter when compared to the average diets eaten in these nations, according to the findings which were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,

Significant reductions were also seen for land use and water pollution.

“In the higher income nations it turns out that what’s good for our health it also good for the environment,” said lead author Dr Paul Behrens, an environmental scientist at Leiden University. “It’s win-win."

Conversely, if poorer countries were to incorporate more animal products into their diets – as recommended by their dietary guidelines – this would actually result in increased environmental impact.

Nevertheless, if recommended diets were uniformly applied in every country, there would be an overall reduction in environmental harm.

Nationally recommended diets vary depending on setting, so while the recommended Indian diet focuses on increased calorie consumption, the US diet recommends the opposite.

For wealthier countries, recommendations tend to include a reduction in sugars, oils, meat and dairy.

Such reductions in animal product consumption are key in decreasing the environmental impact of diets in high income countries, the study found. The other major factor is simply consuming fewer calories.

To undertake their analysis, Dr Behrens and his colleagues gathered information on the average diets of people living across the countries under investigation. They then compared these against the specific dietary recommendations issued by those countries.

Using Exiobase, a database that represents the entire world economy, the scientists could trace the environmental impact of foods in different parts of the world.

This tool allowed them to get region-specific information such as transport and methods of farming into consideration, on the entire journey from farm to fork.

A handful of nations have already alluded to the potential link between healthier eating and environmental benefits in their nationally recommended diets, including the UK and China. However, any mention tends to be fleeting at best.

“It’s one of those things where the public facing documents are a little bit behind where the policy thinkers are going,” said Dr Behrens, explaining that policymakers are starting to consider the environmental impact of food when making recommendations.

He added that more attention needs to be focused on the environmental impact of food.

“For a recommended diet, nutrition comes first, but you could be making these other arguments as well, which would help people consider their choices,” he said.


研究:健康飲食最環保 最多可減少1/4碳排

研究:健康飲食最環保 最多可減少1/4碳排

建立於 2017/12/25



政府往往根據營養資訊提供飲食建議,並未考慮對環境的影響。不過一份刊登於美國國家科學院院刊(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)的新研究指出,健康飲食和環保兩者是攜手並進的:只要遵循國家的飲食建議,與這些國家的平均飲食狀況相比,最多可以減少1/4的溫室氣體排放,土地利用和水污染也顯著減少。

蔬果。圖片來源:Masahiro Ihara(CC BY 2.0)
蔬果。圖片來源:Masahiro Ihara(CC BY 2.0)

這份研究收集來自37個國家的資料,涵蓋全球近2/3的人口。研究中大多數國家都顯示正面的結果,但在美國和日本等高收入國家的效果更為明顯。研究主要作者、萊頓大學(Leiden University)環境科學家貝倫斯(Paul Behrens)博士表示:「在高收入國家,對健康有好處的飲食習慣,對環境也是好的。這是雙贏的局面。」










《 Lara Fabian – Love By Grace (04:17) 》

《 Lara Fabian – Love By Grace (04:17) 》



建立於 2017/12/26



接近年中,搶救藻礁行動出現新一波進展。8月28日,國際生物礁研究權威雜誌《珊瑚礁》(Coral Reefs)正式接受並發表〈北台灣史無前例的藻礁最值得優先的保育〉一文,這是中研院生物多樣性研究中心與農委會特有生物研究中心合作的投稿;9月18日,中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心全體研究員發起連署聲明,搶救桃園藻礁;9月28日,中研院院士廖運範、生物多樣性中心主任趙淑妙等多位學者再次呼籲搶救,「至少有1200隻裸胸鯙!」








《 Lara Fabian – Caruso (05:00) 》

《 Lara Fabian – Caruso (05:00) 》

【2017回顧】國際環境大勢 二氧化碳破410ppm的一年

【2017回顧】國際環境大勢 二氧化碳破410ppm的一年

建立於 2017/12/26






聯合國政府間氣候變遷專門委員會(IPCC)即將在2018年10月公布一份攸關全球暖化未來的報告(IPCC Special Report Global Warming of 1.5 °C),同時,國際氣候談判也將如期舉行,2015年通過的《巴黎協定》究竟能否落實,減緩極地融冰,讓我們一起來關心。





《 Lara Fabian – Je Taime (04:18) 》

《 Lara Fabian – Je Taime (04:18) 》

保留羽飾文化又不傷害adis 屏科大提以熊鷹落羽、仿真羽毛替代

保留羽飾文化又不傷害adis 屏科大提以熊鷹落羽、仿真羽毛替代

建立於 2017/12/26




仿真、自然落羽 可部份取代








名稱為adis  排灣族的重要圖騰




  • 屏東北部的排灣族:adis/adris
  • 屏東中部到台東的排灣族:qadis/qadris
  • 魯凱族霧台群:adisi/adrisi
  • 魯凱族下三社的萬山:adhiyi
  • 主流社會:熊鷹,又名赫氏角鷹,學名Spizaetus nipalensis


落羽不一定適用 仿真羽毛須限制用途







替代方案無償使用  沒有買賣減少非法狩獵





















※ 人與野生動物主題報導與 行政院農業委員會 林務局   合作刊登





《 Lara Fabian – Always (05:27) 》

《 Lara Fabian – Always (05:27) 》

礦業法重啟修法 展限是否重審礦業用地 不同看法仍僵持

礦業法重啟修法 展限是否重審礦業用地 不同看法仍僵持

建立於 2017/12/25













知情同意權與關礦計畫如何提? 仍待下次討論








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