The Pose of Happiness + Ease: Sukhasana

The Pose of Happiness + Ease: Sukhasana

Think like a kid and take a seat. Find out how Sukhasana, aka the Pose of Happiness, encourages a natural sense of ease. Just try it.
AUG 29, 2007

Think like a kid and take a seat. Find out how Sukhasana, aka the Pose of Happiness, encourages a natural sense of ease. Just try it.

Think back to a time when you felt blissfully happy from head to toe. How would you describe the sensations that rippled through you? My bet is that during this period, you had a sense of being utterly grounded and at ease in the present moment. You probably also felt buoyant, uplifted, and awake to the vast possibilities of life around you.

Ideally, yoga practice cultivates these dual qualities of steadiness and vitality, of both comfort in the here and now and openness to the transformation that lies ahead. The classic seated posture Sukhasana(Easy Pose, alternately referred to as Pose of Happiness) is a great starting place.

It’s not uncommon for children to naturally find their way into Sukhasana when they’re playing or happy or relaxed. As children, we learn that it is a position of great ease and one that can encourage quiet concentration. Remember when your teacher would gather you and your classmates around to sit cross-legged when she wanted you to pay attention and listen?

If Sukhasana came so easily to us as children, why do we need to spend time relearning it as adults? At some point in our schooling, we graduated from sitting on the floor to sitting in chairs, which can encourage a lifetime of unhealthy and uncomfortable alignment, including a rounded lower back, tight groin muscles, and a sunken chest. So, Easy Pose might not feel as easy on the hips and knees as it once did. But practicing Sukhasana regularly can release the hips and groins, strengthen core postural muscles, and even soothe frantic nerves.

Whether or not you choose to start a meditation practice, simply coming into the shape of Sukhasana offers an introduction to states of mind that are quiet and more meditative. When the body feels balanced and the spine is aligned properly, prana (vital energy) flows freely, we breathe more easily, and our mind comes to rest. Sukhasana helps us settle with comfort and acceptance in the present moment while opening up with enthusiasm toward life around us.

Sit With Care

To begin, fold a thick blanket or two into a firm and steady support about six inches high. Position yourself on the edge, with your sitting bones on the blanket and your legs outstretched in front of you on the floor. Fold the legs in toward your body, separating the knees, crossing the shins, and slipping each foot beneath the opposite knee.

Relax the feet so their outer edges rest comfortably on the floor and the inner arches settle just below the opposite shin. You’ll know you have the basic leg fold of Sukhasana when you look down and see a triangle—the two shins together form one side, and each thighbone creates another. Don’t confuse this position with that of other classic seated postures in which the ankles are tucked in close to the sitting bones. In Sukhasana, there should be a comfortable gap between the feet and the pelvis.

In the beginning, tight muscles and poor sitting habits may cause you to tuck your lower pelvis and rest your weight on your tailbone. This, in turn, causes the lower back to round, the heart to collapse, and the head to drop forward into a depressed, couch-potato slump. There’s nothing comfortable or uplifting about this position! So let’s build a steady, balanced foundation for the posture.

Use Props and Create a Fine Throne

Instead of sitting like a sad dog with its tail tucked between its legs, roll the pelvis forward and rest on the sitting bones. To do this, place your hands on the blanket on either side of you, press firmly downward to straighten the arms, and lift the pelvis off the blanket. Gently untuck the base of your tailbone and lower yourself back down. Release your arms to settle down onto your sitting bones. Don’t overarch your back and poke your ribs forward like an enthusiastic gymnast, but do make sure you’re not letting the chest sag and the lower back round.

Notice how as you tilt the pelvis forward, the natural curve in your lower back is emphasized, your back waistband is drawn gently inward and upward, and your belly grows spacious. To be clear about this action of the pelvis, you might like to alternate a few times between the two ways of sitting—the slumped, tired, tailbone—tucked version and the lively, uplifted one. Do you notice how such a simple shift in your body can change your mood and your state of mind?

If your experience is anything like mine, when you tuck your tailbone and collapse your spine, a sense of dullness and inertia washes over you and the world begins to look a little gray. By comparison, when you situate yourself firmly on your base so the spine can assume a more neutral posture, the mind clears, the clouds part, and the sky returns to blue. Sitting this way demands a little more energy and enthusiasm, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Now return to the legs, the foundation of Sukhasana. Shift the weight toward your right side and use your hands to externally rotate the left thigh, turning the inside seam of the top of your leg upward, toward the sky. Opening the thighs in this way will help release reluctant hip muscles and should relieve any strain on the knees. Repeat this action on the second side.

If after you make this adjustment, your knees remain higher than the top rim of your pelvis, come out of the posture, increase the height of your blankets to create a more elevated throne for your hips, and sit in Sukhasana again. If this still doesn’t remedy the problem, sit in a chair instead. In the beginning, finding stability and steadiness while seated is more important than forming the classic shape, and you will feel happier if you’re wise enough to use all the props you need.

Also seeEverything You Need to Know About Meditation Posture

Refine and Release Into the Pose

Once you’ve found your firm foundation, invite the lower half of your body from the pelvis downward to release into the ground with a big sigh of relief. Let gravity pull both the pubic bone (at the front of the pelvis) and the tailbone (at the back) gently toward the earth. At the same time, relax the hips, knees, and ankles.

Being able to manage all of these actions may take some time, but with practice, the pose will foster a delightful sense of presence and comfort in the world. And the more profoundly you are able to settle downward, the more you will invite a paradoxical buoyancy to emerge from within. Imagine raindrops falling downward from the brain into the pelvis, and then summer vines spiraling upward through the spine toward the sun. It’s as if the rooting action through the base invites a lightness to rebound up through you, creating spaciousness and joy in the upper half of the body.

Continue to feel a sense of fullness in your heart as you broaden across the top of the chest. Spread the collarbones as if you were sporting a medallion on your breastbone that you wanted to shine brightly toward those around you. At the same time, let the upper arm bones be heavy to help release the shoulders downward.

Rest your hands comfortably on the thighs and relax your fingers. Keep the elbows in line with the shoulders so the upper arm bones remain perpendicular to the floor. If you’re looking to feel a little more earthiness in the pose, turn your palms to face downward. If you’re seeking brightness, try turning the palms upward instead.

If your spine is in healthy alignment, with your weight balanced on the front edge of your sitting bones and your breastbone rising up, it is likely that your head will be positioned directly over the shoulders instead of slipping lazily forward. If this isn’t the case for you, reassess the situation and adjust your position.

Relax the shoulders toward the hips and imagine a magnet in the crown of your head being pulled upward toward a magnet in the sky. As you do this, the back of the neck will lengthen and the head will be pulled in line with the spine. Keep the head in a neutral position as you look forward with quiet and receptive eyes. Rest here for several breaths, enjoying the opportunity to be in the pose with a quiet body and easy heart.

Before exploring Sukhasana further, change the fold of the legs. Stretch them out in front of you and then recross them the opposite way. This means that if you folded your right shin inward first before, you’ll now fold the left shin inward first.

Let Happiness Arise

Balance yourself evenly on the edge of the blanket, taking care to resituate yourself on your sitting bones. Close your eyes and for a few breaths, return to that deep and grounded feeling in your hips and legs. Notice how this nurtures a sense of comfort and steadiness in the body, as if you’ve brought your awareness back down to earth and into the present moment.

After several breaths, shift your focus to the freedom in the upper half of the body—you may feel as if your heart has wings that would lift you right off the ground if you weren’t so well rooted at your base. Soften the boundaries of the body, letting your heart’s vitality radiate outward and upward.

Now bring your awareness to your breath. Each time you breathe in, send a wave of energy down your spine, deep into your hips, and perhaps even far into the earth beneath you. With each exhalation, reverse this current of energy, inviting it to rise upward through your spine into the sky.

Relish this opportunity to sit quietly, soften the mind, and surrender to the passing sensations of life: the warmth or coolness of the air around you, the gentle massage of the breath as it pours into and out of you, the ability to rest your mind in the fullness of the present moment.

Now practice happiness. Let a secret smile emanate from your core outward through your skin. Encourage feelings of spaciousness and openness to well up from deep within. Notice if the mindful connection of the body and breath you’ve created evokes feelings of sweetness and ease.

The rewards of this practice will multiply exponentially if you radiate out from yourself the sensations you feel. Like the sun’s rays shining outward in all directions, your happiness may serve as a balm and delight not just for yourself but for everyone around you too.

While you’re here, why not try a Guided Meditation?

Claudia Cummins practices happiness and teaches yoga in central Ohio.


Toc House by Elias Rizo Arquitectos

Toc House by Elias Rizo Arquitectos

Location: Tapalpa, Mexico
Year: 2008
Area: 3,445 sqft
Photo courtesy: Marcos García, Mito Covarrubias


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人氣指數: 1547





除此之外,即便台灣現階段缺電是事實,逼迫人民只能在恢復核四與限電之間二選一依然是個很不公平的爛問題,更非解決問題的辦法。首先要先認知今年暫時性的電力短缺,主要肇因於未若台電內部期待核四運轉足以補位的結果。 隨著今年林口、大潭與明年大林、通霄等新機組的運轉,吃緊的電力會有相當程度的緩解。再者,從時間來看,一座電廠從核准興建到商業運轉至少要五到十年時間;然而電廠一旦建造下去,就享有三十年甚至更長的壽命。今天決定興建任何電廠,都無法解決今年缺電的燃眉之急,眼下一時的缺電,不宜作為爭論未來還要不要有核能的依據。而同時,討論擁核或反核實應著眼於國人對四十年後或更久遠的能源想像。






Iyengar Yoga 101: King Pigeon Pose 3 Ways

Iyengar Yoga 101: King Pigeon Pose 3 Ways

King Pigeon Pose is about balancing stability and fluidity, in both your body and mind. Grab a strap, folding chair, and blanket and let’s get started!
FEB 17, 2017
carrie owerko king pigeon pose

Senior Intermediate Iyengar teacher Carrie Owerko knows how to find the surprisingly fun angles and elements of Iyengar Yoga. Owerko has partnered with Yoga Journal to bring you a six-week interactive online course in which she’ll share playful ways to use props and apply Iyengar principles and wisdom to your practice and life off the mat. Sign up now for a creative journey that will profoundly deepen and transform your approach to yoga and perspective on BKS Iyengar’s unique method.

King Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) is one of those wonderfully challenging postures that requires both stability and mobility—easier said than done. Most yoga poses ask of us the same, but this one is particularly demanding. It requires you to remain aware, secure, and fluid, all at once, in order to avoid injury. Let’s call it “stable fluidity.” If you aren’t stable in your legs and core, you’ll topple over; if you aren’t fluid in your hips and spine, you risk forcing the pose and hurting yourself.

King Pigeon Pose is about balancing these two extremes, in both your body and mind. And these three creative, Iyengar-inspired variations can help you access the pose and its benefits, or move deeper into the stretch.

Learn to pause along the way as you explore the process of the pose. Pause, reflect, and observe your senses of perception. Are your eyes, tongue, and skin soft and relaxed? Don’t move on to the next stage until they are. It’s OK if that takes days, weeks, months… Remember: Yoga is at its heart a practice of waking up and being fully present and aware to what is arising.

“On this path of yoga, no effort is ever wasted, and there is no failure. Even the smallest effort toward awareness will protect you from the greatest fear." —Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, verse 40

OK, grab a strap, folding chair, and blanket and let’s get started!

Note: Be sure to warm up properly. First practice poses that elongate your hip flexors as well as those that increase the range of motion in your shoulders and upper back. Include some one-legged standing asanas to bring stability to your hip and pelvic regions, as well as some preparatory backbends such as Cobra (Bhujangasana)Upward-Facing Dog Pose(Urdhva Mukha Svanasana), and Upward Bow Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana), to warm up the spine.

About Our Expert
Carrie Owerko is a Senior Intermediate Iyengar teacher based in New York City. She continues her studies with the Iyengar family by traveling to India on a regular basis, as well as by continuous in-depth studies with her yoga teacher, Patricia Walden. Before studying yoga, Carrie earned a BFA in dance and theater and became a Certified Movement Analyst. Curiosity, openness, and affection are of utmost importance in her approach to Iyengar Yoga, as is the integration of science, yoga philosophy, and poetic imagination. Most importantly, she loves to explore the relationship of discipline and playfulness and is a firm believer in the power of controlled folly. Learn more at


Brick apartment that reveals the architectural beauty of the cities built at the end of the 19th century

Brick apartment that reveals the architectural beauty of the cities built at the end of the 19th century

Architects: Arhitektura AB objekt d.o.o.
Location: Mladinska ulica, Slovenia
Year: 2016
Area: 1.076 ft²/ 100 m²
Photo courtesy: Matej Lozar

“The apartment in the historical core of Maribor reveals the architectural beauty of the cities built at the end of the 19th century. Sometimes it turns out that the best an architect can do in favor of living quality is the entire purification of the existing space instead of adding new elements. When the ruined plaster was peeled off in the interior of the bourgeois apartment, the poetic essence of the construction appeared. Less than a century ago, brick was considered to be of a lesser value and was covered with plaster, at that time a more decent choice.

But in modern architecture, the central motif of designing the ambients is to exhibit the sincere cornerstones of space, such as visible concrete and wooden construction. A well-preserved brick, which has been hidden for a century by the finishing layer of the plaster, reveals the atmosphere at least as prominent as the raw concrete. A worn-out apartment at an exceptional location was bought by a Maribor soccer player. This should not be a shelter or a family home, but a place to enjoy, was the starting point of the client. But the architect can never foresee all the actual uses of space – the most interesting are those spontaneous, unforeseen, even secret or hidden. The architects opened the space completely.

They have removed all existing partitions and doors. They kept beautiful wooden frames in the sole preserved construction wall. The floor was covered with an old oak parquet. Thus the ambiance has become a space for the game for the endless possibilities of scenarios.”


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《 辛曉琪 – 每個愛情都危險 (04:18) 》

《 辛曉琪 – 每個愛情都危險 (04:18) 》


女:愛不會永遠新鮮 愛人們啊 記住這點
男:守約真讓人疲倦 誰見過愛情不必諾言
女:如果你親身體驗 愛情與幸福之間 它並無關連
男:oh 一點點
女:愛力量有限 愛人們啊 別忘了這點
男:永遠不要那天 流著眼淚 說著抱歉
合:愛情與幸福之間 它並無關連
合:每個愛情 都危險
女:每次開始 都悱惻纏綿
男:oh 一點點
女:再怎麼深陷 再怎麼癡戀
男:再怎麼為愛奉獻 再怎麼心甘情願
合:愛雖 是前世的緣 更是今生的考驗
合:也許他真的 已再無感覺
合:可惜不是每個人都瞭解 與其讓它將心撕裂
男:oh 一點點
合:愛雖是前世的緣 更是今生的





人氣指數: 323






















《 Roy Orbison – I Drove All Night (03:42) 》

《 Roy Orbison – I Drove All Night (03:42) 》

I had to escape,
the city was stinking and cruel.
Maybe I should have called you first
But I was dying to get to you.
I was dreaming while I drove
The long straight road ahead.
Uh huh, yeah.
Could taste your sweet kisses.
your arms open wide.
This fever for you
was just burning me up inside.
I drove all night to get to you.
Is that all right?
I drove all night,
crept in your room.
Woke you from your sleep
To make love to you
Is that all right?
I drove all night.
What in this world
keeps us from falling apart?
No matter where I go
I hear the beating of our one heart.
I think about you
when the night is cold and dark.
Uh huh, yeah.
No one can move me
the way that you do.
Nothing erases this feeling
between me and you .
I drove all night to get to you.
Is that all right?
I drove all night,
crept in your room.
Woke you from your sleep
To make love to you
Is that all right?
I drove all ni~ght .
To taste your sweet kisses,
your arms open wide.
This fever for you
is just burning me up inside.
I drove all night to get to you.
Is that all right?
I drove all night,
crept in your room.
Is that all right?
I drove all ni~ght .
I drove all night to get to you.
Is that all right?
I drove all night to get to you.
Is that all right?
I drove all night.

Why Inflexibility May Not Be What’s Stopping You From Doing That Pose

Why Inflexibility May Not Be What’s Stopping You From Doing That Pose

When an asana is out of reach, yogis frequently blame their flexibility. But Bernie Clark explains that one pose simply doesn’t fit all. So he’s laid out a road map for getting to know your own unique anatomy and determining what actually is stopping you from doing a given pose.
AUG 17, 2017
king dancer yjlive

In the era of compulsive selfies, celebrating our individuality has entered an unnatural and distorted dimension. Technology constantly provides us with new widgets to cheat on our appearance and to hide our true self behind a filter of pixels. So when you throw yourself into the most sublime Dancer Pose and your toe doesn’t touch the crown of your head, reality hits you in the shape of your tissues and bones. Your body just can’t do this.

This doesn’t make you unfit or unyogic, it makes you human. It is the sobering reminder that we are all different. “You are unique, and that uniqueness is what makes the difference between what ‘everyone’ seems to be able to do and what you can do. There is no pose in yoga that everybody can do, and no one can do every pose,” explains Bernie Clark in Your Body, Your YogaWhen it comes to yoga practice, one pose simply doesn’t fit all.

See also “Why I Don’t ‘Stretch’ Anymore”

Your Anatomy Is Unique—Study It

Integrating difference and uniqueness, represents a complexity that not all societies are ready to accommodate. In a yoga class of five students, it is easy for the teacher to cater to everyone’s needs but that proves more challenging as the number increases. Thus the generalizations that leads them to make are potentially damaging if not taken with a pinch of salt. Insecurities can kick in in a yoga class, though. You may find yourself longing for a more compliant body and fearing that if you don’t perform the “real pose,” you will stand out and be deemed deficient.

“Differences aren’t deficits,” Clark writes quoting geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky encouraging us to embrace uniqueness and to be less harsh toward our quirks. “Why think that because someone else can’t do something, you will fail? There are things you can do right now, there are things that you will be able to do in time, and there things that you will never be able to do.”

If you are curious enough, you can gradually become the best equipped person to understand the unique mechanics of your body. Most teachers don’t actually know you, and they will never understand you as well as you will be able to.

The odd overzealous teacher may even make erroneous assumptions that can harm you. It is essential to take charge of your own practice both on your mat at home and in classes. This involves taking the time to investigate your strengths, weaknesses, limitations, and skills.

See also Not ALL Hips Need Opening: 3 Moves for Hip Stability

Bernie Clark tension and compression

What Stops You?

Clark suggests an efficient way of mapping your own physical limitations comes by systematically registering your sensations in various yoga poses. He leads this exploration with the interrogation: “What Stops You?’ In other words: what limits your mobility?

Two things can stop you, he explains. One is tension, which is resistance of the tissues to being stretched (muscles, ligaments, fascia), and the other is compression, which is created by contact: bone to bone (hard compression), flesh to flesh (soft compression), bone to flesh (medium compression).

So by paying heed to sensations of tension or compression in your yoga practice you can explore your body’s unique anatomy and limitations. That in turn enables you to work with your body, rather than against it in a given pose. To assist this process Clark searched the nooks and crannies of anatomy to observe where tension or compression surge and described the sensations that correspond to each type of resistance in his book. In this excerpt from Your Body, Your Yoga, Clark explores three poses yogis commonly get “stopped" in and why.

See also 8 Keys to Take Your Yoga Teaching Beyond Standardized Alignment Cues

Adapted from Your Body, Your Yoga by Bernie Clark. Published by Wild Strawberry Publications, April 2016.


《 Roy Orbison – A Love So Beautiful (03:37) 》

《 Roy Orbison – A Love So Beautiful (03:37) 》

The summer sun looked down
On our love long ago
But in my heart I feel
The same old afterglow

A love so beautiful
In every way
A love so beautiful
We let it slip away

We were too young to understand
To ever know
That lovers drift apart
And that’s the way love goes

A love so beautiful
A love so sweet
A love so beautiful
A love for you and me

And I when I think of you
I fall in love again

A love so beautiful
In every way
A love so beautiful
We let it slip away

A love so beautiful
In every way
A love so beautiful
We let it slip away

Jersey Shore vacation home designed to create the best possible views of the ocean

Jersey Shore vacation home designed to create the best possible views of the ocean

Architects: Jeff Jordan Architects LLC
Location: Sea Bright, United States
Year: 2016
Photo courtesy: Jeff Jordan Architects LLC

“Located within walking distance of the beach, this Jersey Shore vacation home for a Manhattan-based couple rises to an ocean view and has plenty of space for family and friends. Because the city’s zoning code limits all residential construction to two stories, the goal of the design was to create the best possible views of the ocean while respecting the constraints imposed by the local government. For this reason, the second floor and above mezzanine level became critical to the success of the design. Further, because this house would be used primarily during the warmer periods of the year, it was necessary to create comfortable and functional outdoor spaces.

The house’s form is an expression of its programmatic distribution. The horizontally-oriented first floor massing contains private spaces such as bed and bathrooms. The larger cube-like massing which sits atop the first floor contains shared spaces such as the living and kitchen areas. The vertically-oriented massing that is offset from the other two contains the stairway and provides access to the ground level. The overall result is a terraced structure that offers large outdoor spaces that are perfect for sunbathing and cookouts. While the house’s form is clean and modern, its cedar board siding serves to tie it into a well-establish beach house typology.

Perhaps the most important space in the house is the second floor living area that extends out to form the sun deck and up to define the mezzanine level. A series of double-height windows capture the morning sun’s rays. From this level the ocean is visible over the tops of nearby houses. The more-secluded mezzanine level connects the second floor to the house’s roof deck. It is from this uppermost level where the best view of the ocean can be seen.”


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《 Roy Orbison – California Blue (03:59) 》

《 Roy Orbison – California Blue (03:59) 》

Working all day and the sun don’t shine
Trying to get by and I’m just killing time
I feel the rain fall the whole night through
Far away from you California blue

California blue dreaming all alone
Nothing else to do California blue
Everyday I pray I’ll be on my way
Saving love for you California blue

One sunny day, I’ll get back again
Somehow, someway but I don’t know when
California blue, California blue

Living my life with you on my mind
Thinking of things that I left far behind
It’s been so long doing all I can do
To get back to you California blue

California blue
(California blue)
Dreaming all alone
(California blue)

Nothing else to do
(California blue)
California blue
Everyday I pray I’ll be on my way
Saving love for you California blue

One sunny day I’ll get back again
Somehow, someway but I don’t know when
California blue, California blue

Still missing you California blue
Still missing you California blue
Still missing you California blue




人氣指數: 3427


郭婞淳挺舉破世界紀錄,奪得金牌。(作者取自Taipei 2017 Universiade – 世大運臉書)


「I AM WITH KUO ! WE ARE WITH KUO!」全台灣人都在為婞淳屏息、加油與吶喊!遠在宜蘭的羅東聖母醫院和澎湖惠民醫院的,也緊盯著賽事,為「聖母寶寶」郭婞淳加油!


































《 Roy Orbison – You Got It (03:31) 》

《 Roy Orbison – You Got It (03:31) 》

Every time I look into your lovely eyes
I see a love that money just can’t buy
One look from you, I drift away
I pray that you are here to stay

Anything you want, you got it
Anything you need, you got it
Anything at all, you got it

Every time I hold you, I begin to understand
Everything about you tells me I’m your man
I live my life to be with you
No one can do the things you do

Anything you want, you got it
Anything you need, you got it
Anything at all, you got it
Anything you want
Anything you need
Anything at all

I’m glad to give my love to you
I know you feel the way I do

Anything you want, you got it
Anything you need, you got it
Anything at all, you got it

Anything you want, you got it
Anything you need, you got it
Anything at all, you got it

Anything at all
You got it

環境行動趁早萌芽 七個獲獎少年團隊的故事

環境行動趁早萌芽 七個獲獎少年團隊的故事

建立於 2017/08/26



黃繻霈繻霈參與柬埔寨的國際志工服務,發現許多地方過著沒水沒電的生活,入夜後家庭生產力與孩子的學習都被迫中止。回國後看到美國社會企業運用太陽能與LED科技,設計出可攜帶、能源效率高、且為窮人可負擔的照明設備,因此受到啟發。兩年前與姐姐及朋友共同發起「Light Love小太陽計畫」,為柬埔寨當地居民募集安全又環保的太陽能LED燈,目前共資助330個窮困家庭,讓他們能在夜間看書、工作。為了真正有效幫助這些受助家庭,繻霈提出將燈具以及受助家庭編號管理追蹤,團隊利用每次出團進行回訪,透過實際互動了解受助家庭的感受,同時順便帶來他們需要的基本物資,例如白米、牙膏和制服等。一開始從親朋好友募集資金,到後來寫企畫申請獎學金、向企業募款,團隊未來也考慮跟學校單位合作,以各班級為單位認養一盞燈,希望用群眾的力量為柬埔寨帶來更多改變。

繻霈在美國參加HOBY WLC世界青少年領袖會議,並到Feeding Children Everywhere組織服務,協助包裝各種乾燥食物,機構再發送給弱勢或第三世界的人民。繻霈計畫向營養包廠商勸募,捐助柬埔寨的貧困兒童。























※ 閱讀更多得獎青年志工的故事:SOC保德信青年志工獎

※ 新一屆保德信青年志工獎即將開始報名,報名請上官方網站


《 Roy Orbison – Only The Lonely (02:31) 》

《 Roy Orbison – Only The Lonely (02:31) 》

Only the lonely
Only the lonely

Only the lonely (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah)
Know the way I feel tonight (ooh-yay-yay-yay-yeah)
Only the lonely (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah)
Know this feeling ain’t right (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah)

There goes my baby
There goes my heart
They’re gone forever
So far apart

But only the lonely
Know why
I cry
Only the lonely

Only the lonely
Only the lonely

Only the lonely (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah)
Know the heartaches I’ve been through (ooh-yay-yay-yay-yeah)
Only the lonely (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah)
Know I cry and cry for you (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah)

Maybe tomorrow
A new romance
No more sorrow
But that’s the chance

You gotta take
If your lonely heart breaks
Only the lonely


聲景之父親授「聽」的方法 《聽見聲音的地景:100種聆聽與聲音創造的練習》

聲景之父親授「聽」的方法 《聽見聲音的地景:100種聆聽與聲音創造的練習》

建立於 2017/08/26






噪音汙染除了會帶來生理危害,這些變化是否也會影響我們的心理聽力呢?圖片來源:eltpics(CC BY-NC 2.0)。


我在《世界調音》(The Tuning of the World)一書中,探討生活中的聲音歷史,提出一種方法,可將噪音這個負面主題完全翻轉成對聲景設計的正向追求。對我而言,聲景設計並非依靠形上或外來的世界,而是一種發自內在的活動,唯有讓愈來愈多人更專心傾聽與自己有關的聲音,才能達成這個目標。哪些是我們想要保留的聲音?要如何使這些聲音發揚光大,保留環境中的主要特色,進而美化這些特色呢?























《Roy Orbison – Oh, Pretty Woman (03:06) 》

《Roy Orbison – Oh, Pretty Woman (03:06) 》


Pretty woman walking down the street
Pretty woman the kind I like to meet pretty woman
I don’t believe you you’re not the truth
No one could look as good as you

Pretty woman won’t you pardon me
Pretty woman I couldn’t help but see pretty woman
That you look lovely as can be
Are you lonely just like me?


Pretty woman stop a while
Pretty woman talk a while
Pretty woman give your smile to me
Pretty woman yeah yeah yeah
Pretty woman look my way
Pretty woman say you’ll stay with me
Cause I need you I’ll treat you right
Come with me baby be mine tonight

Pretty woman don’t walk on by
Pretty woman don’t make me cry pretty woman
Don’t walk away hey ok
If that’s the way it must be ok


I guess I’ll go on home it’s late
There’ll be tomorrow night
But wait, what do I see?
Is she walking back to me?
Yeah, she’s walking back to me
Oh oh, pretty woman



建立: 2017/08/26




※ 本文轉載自許斌臉書
















【◎心靈研磨坊 - 曼陀羅藏◎】

《心靈研磨坊 ─ 身心體能極限的突破,放慢步調,邁開腳步,輕鬆地悠遊著....》